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Vehicles, Tractors & Powersports

Loan Term APR* as low as Model Year
2 to 5 Years
24 to 60 months
6.39% 2020 - New
2 to 5 Years
24 to 60 months
7.39% 2017 - 2019
3 Years
36 months
8.89% 2014 - 2016
4 to 5 Years
48 to 60 months
10.14% 2014 - 2016
(Min $12k)
6 Years
72 months
6.40% 2020 - New
(Min $10k)
6 Years
72 months
7.40% 2017 - 2019
(Min $10k)
7 Years
84 months
6.65% 2020 - New
(Min $30k)
Tractors only
3 years
36 months
8.89% 2014 - 2016
Tractors only
4 or 5 years
48 - 60 months
10.14% 2014 - 2016
(Min $12k)
Tractors only
7 years
84 months
2020 - New Tractors
(Min $20k)
Tractors only
7 years, 1 month - 10 years
85 - 120 months
9.40% New
(Min $20k)

Untitled recreational vehicles not to exceed term of 5 years if not new.
* Annual Percentage Rate
* All loans subject to approval
* APR determined by credit score
* Rates depicted based on A+ credit

Campers, Boats & RVs

Loan Term APR* as low as Model Year
2 to 5 Years
24 to 60 months
6.39% 2020 - New
2 to 5 Years
24 to 60 months
7.39% 2008 - 2019
6 Years
72 months
6.40% 2020- New
6 Years
72 months
7.40% 2008 - 2019
7 Years
84 months
6.90% 2020 - New
(Min. $10k)
7 Years
84 months
7.90% 2008 - 2019
(Min $10k)
7 years, 1 month to 10 years
85 - 120 months
9.40% 2020 - New
(Min. $30k)
7 years, 1 month to 10 years
85 - 120 months
10.40% 2008 - 2019
(Min $30k)
11 to 12 Years
132 - 144 months
11.34% New 2024/25 only
(Min. $30k)

* Annual Percentage Rate
* All loans subject to approval
* APR determined by credit score
* Rates depicted based on A+ credit
* 100% NADA max for used

Personal Loans

Loan Term APR* as low as Loan Amount
2 Years 11.90% Up to $15,000
3 Years 11.90% Up to $15,000
4 Years 11.90% Up to $15,000
5 Years 11.90% Up to $15,000

* Annual Percentage Rate, all loans subject to approval. Borrow up to $15,000 if you have A or B credit; up to $10,000 for C and D credit; must borrow a minimum of $5,000 for a 5-year loan. Advertised rate is for "A" credit - rate determined by credit score.

Promotional Loans

Loan Type APR* as low as Term
Heating & Cooling Loans 6.99% 12-Month Fuel / Up to five years for system upgrades*
Score Saver Loan 7.99% $1,000 / 12-month minimum*
Christmas Loans (Seasonal) 6.99% $2,000 max / Up to 12 months*

* Annual Percentage Rate
* All loans subject to approval
* APR determined by credit score
* Rates depicted based on A/B credit

Credit Card

APR* as low as Credit Limit**
10.90% $15,000

* Annual Percentage rate, subject to approval and determined by credit score
** Credit limit up to $15,000 for A and B credit; up to $10,000 for C and D credit
* 10.90% APR depicted here based on 'A' credit (maximum APR 15.90%)

Overdraft Line of Credit

APR* Credit Limit*
13.90% Subject to approval

One rate for all risk ratings

* Annual Percentage Rate

Miscellaneous Loans

Loan Type APR Term
Share or Club Secured 3% above dividend rate 60-month max
Certificate Secured 3% above Share Certificate rate 60-month max

* All loans subject to approval - restrictions may apply

We are proud to offer loans throughout northern and eastern Maine. Have a question? Just reach out!

Consumer Rates Calculator

Format: 12M, 36M, 3Y, 7Y

Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) & Land — Introductory Variable Rates

Loan Term 10% Down, As Low As* 20% Down, As Low As*
1 Year Lock - 10% Down 7.50% 6.50%
3 Year Lock - 10% Down 7.75% 6.75%
5 Year Lock - 10% Down 8.00% 7.00%
7 Year Lock - 10% Down 8.25% 7.25%

* Actual rate determined by credit score
Note: For mobile homes on leased land, please refer to new and used mobile home rates.

Residential Mortgage & Land — Fixed Rates

Loan Term 10% Down, As Low As* 20% Down, As Low As*
10 Years** (120 mos.) 7.50% 7.00%
15 Years** (180 mos.) 8.00% 7.50%
20 Years (240 mos.) 8.75% 8.25%
30 Years (360 mos.) 9.00% 8.50%

* Actual rate determined by credit score
** Maximum term on land is 15 years
Note: For mobile homes on leased land, please refer to new and used mobile home rates.

Flex Mortgage Rates

Loan Term APR* Payback
3 Year Lock 7.00% .75%

Note: For mobile homes on leased land, please refer to new and used mobile home rates.

Home Equity Loans—Fixed Rates

Loan Type Loan Term 10% Down 20% Down
Home Equity X 10 Years 7.50% 7.00%
Home Equity XV 15 Years 8.00% 7.50%
Home Equity XX 20 Years 8.75% 8.00%

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)—Variable Rates

Loan Type APR* Payback
Home Equity Zero* 7.50% 1.00%

* Interest subject to change on a quarterly basis

New Mobile Home—Fixed Rates

Loan Term 10% Down
10 Years (120 mos.) 10.35%
15 Years (180 mos.) 10.90%
20 Years (240 mos.) 11.10%

Note: Includes mobile homes on leased land - no real estate.

Used Mobile Home—Fixed Rates

Loan Term 10% Down
5 Years (60 mos.) 12.75%
8 Years (96 mos.) 12.75%
10 Years (120 mos.) 12.25%
15 Years (180 mos.) 12.25%

Note: Includes mobile homes on leased land - no real estate.

Savings Account Rates

Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Prime Savings 0.15% 0.15%
Custom Savings 0.15% 0.15%
Monty Moose 0.15% 0.15%
Christmas Club 0.15% 0.15%
Super Saver Tier I
($1,000 - $99,999.99)
0.40% 0.40%
Super Saver Tier II
2.25% .40% - 2.09%
Acadia Star Money Market Tier 1
($2,500 - $49,999.99)
1.00% 1.01%
Acadia Star Money Market Tier 2
($50,000 - $99,999.99)
1.75% 1.01% - 1.39%
Acadia Star Money Market Tier 3
($100,000 - $199,999.99)
2.25% 1.39% - 1.83%
Acadia Star Money Market Tier 4
2.50% 1.83% - 2.39%
Health Savings Account (HSA) 0.15% 0.15%
HSA Super Saver Tier 1
($1,000 - $99,999.99)
0.40% 0.40%
HSA Super Saver Tier 2
2.25% .40% - 2.09%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All rates are subject to change without notice.

†When qualification and minimum balance requirements are met

**Super Saver, Acadia Star Money Market, and HSA Super Saver accounts are compounded daily and credited monthly. These are "Tiered Rate" accounts. For these accounts, the specified dividend rate for a tier will apply only to the portion of the account balance that is within that tier. The range of annual percentage yields, which vary depending on the balance in the account, are shown for each tier.

Checking Account Rates

Account Type Dividend Rate APY*
Advantage Checking 0.05% 0.05%
Free4ME Checking 0.05% 0.05%
HSA Checking 0.05% 0.05%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All rates are subject to change without notice.

†When qualification requirements are met

Share Certificate Rates

Certificate Term Dividend Rate APY*
6 Months 2.50% 2.53%
1 Year 4.03% 4.11%
18 Months 4.03% 4.11%
2 Years 3.93% 4.00%
Share25 (25 months)** 4.17% 4.25%
3 Years 3.45% 3.50%
4 Years 3.45% 3.50%
5 Years 3.45% 3.50%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
**Share25 - this share certificate promo is from January 6, 2025 and will be for a limited time.

†All rates are subject to change without notice. Minimum of $1,000 needed to open a 6-month share certificate, $500 needed to open most others. Penalties may be charged for early withdrawals. Qualification requirements must be met. Other restrictions may apply.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Rates

Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Type Dividend Rate APY*
Traditional IRA 0.40% 0.40%
Roth IRA 0.40% 0.40%
Coverdell Educational Savings Account 0.40% 0.40%
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) 0.40% 0.40%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All rates are subject to change without notice.

† When qualification requirements are met